Next Meeting
The next meeting date will be Monday, March 19, at 7:30 in Boyden. Mark your calendar now. Daycare will be provided at every PTO meeting so if you need to take your children along, they will be watched.
Elementary News
Mr. Kerr reported that Witty Wednesday replaces Funky Friday. This will be implemented this week. Kids can purchase a small snack for a quarter and proceeds will go towards a project the 6th grade students will vote upon.
The elementary school is in the middle of Dr. Seuss Week!! A special thanks to the teachers in grades TK-3rd for their creative ideas and pulling everything together. The children are enjoying it very much.
A thank you card was passed around from the Boyden Hull Elementary staff for the meals at parent teacher conferences. The teachers appreciated this VERY much. Thanks to Greta Grond for organizing this effort and for the parents who contributed. Note: If you brought bars and left your 9 x 13 pan, Greta has it! If you are interested in coordinating the activity for next year, please contact Greta.
Parent Volunteers
The parent volunteer sheets were handed out by the teachers at parent teacher conferences. Responses are starting to trickle in. If you are interested in volunteering, there are many opportunities. If you can’t find your sheet, please contact the office to get a new one. Thanks to Pam Wielenga for getting the paperwork together.
Web Site
Information on PTO projects, minutes, and upcoming meeting dates will be put on the Boyden Hull website. Greta Grond will work on creating a link.
School Registration
The SIAC committee is looking for ways to speed up the registration process in the fall. They are asking PTO members for their suggestions. Some ideas mentioned at the meeting include: online registration, sending the paperwork to the parents ahead of time, offering assistance to the Hispanic population if they are having trouble completing their forms, and offering evening registration. If you have a suggestion you’d like to have considered, please e-mail or call Mr. Kerr.
The PTO has begun a few fundraising projects.
- Concessions are being sold by the student council at junior high girls’ basketball games and at some AAU volleyball games by parent volunteers. If you are interested in working a 2 hour shift at the concession stand in Hull this Saturday, March 3, from 8 – 4, please contact Mr. Kerr. Thanks to Peggy Olson and Pam Wielinga for getting this started.
- A reading incentive program will take place beginning next week, Monday, March 5. Kids are going to be encouraged to read 300 minutes over the course of 2 weeks, get sponsors, and with 50% of the money they collect, they will get to purchase books for themselves and the other 50% will go toward books/cash for the school. The students can read whatever they wish. If they hit their reading goal, 340 students x 300 minutes (102,000 minutes), Mr. Kerr will get a crew cut at a school assembly. Three local banks have pledged $100 if the reading goal is met as well. Information on this project will be sent home with the students this week. Students who reach the reading goal will receive a prize whether they have collected pledges or not. Any questions, contact Julie Kreun.
- Progress has begun on creating a yearbook for the elementary. Greta Grond is coordinating this effort. If you’d like to assist in the process, please let her know. Some of the jobs: creating an order form, collecting orders, proofing the yearbook, helping with layout, etc. Cost will be approximately $8/book and available around the middle of May. Order forms will be sent out the middle of March in Spanish and English.
- There has been some interest in offering a Scholastic Book Fair in the fall. Peggi Olson is looking into specifics.
- Mr. Kerr is working on establishing were the PTO money goes and into what account.
Other Items
Each project done by the PTO will have notes recorded in a master notebook. Mr. Kerr will purchase a notebook and tabs. So if you have coordinated a project already, please submit a copy of your notes/recommendations to him.
Bonus Recipe!
Pam Wielenga brought great bars to the meeting. Thanks, Pam. The recipe is below.
Almond Bars
4 eggs, beaten
2 cups sugar
Dash of salt
2 cups flour
1 cup melted butter
2 tsp almond extract
Beat together eggs and sugar. Add salt. Blend in flour, butter and almond. Pour into greased 9 x 13 pan. Bake 25-30 minutes at 325. Do not overbake. Can sprinkle with sugar or frost with powered sugar frosting.
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